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tv   11 News Today  NBC  September 12, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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say goodbye to art modell. >> the orioles have the playoffs back inside as there once again back on top of their division. >> we do not mind being spoiled with more mild temperatures, do we? the forecast as we continue. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. i'm mindy basara. >> and i'm stan stovall. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> this is a perfect time of year. >> i love it. you have the cool mornings and the sunny afternoons. it will change a little bit as we get towards the weekend.
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you might want to take a light jacket. 54 at the airport. 51 in columbia. lots of sunshine today. we will make it up to 79 or 80 degrees this afternoon. we will check the seven-day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. first ruse good morning to sarah. >> good morning. -- first we say good morning to sarah. >> we have an accident on the east side. monument street is closed near patterson park. that is because of the sinkhole repair. 60 miles per hour on the west side as you travel in the outer loop from 795. 70 checking out just fine. nine minutes on southbound 895 down to the harbor tunnel tolls. 11 minutes on the outer loop
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northeast side. here's a quick, live look at traffic. the j.f.x. at ruxton road, problem free although volume is starting to pick up. this is greenspring. inner loop traffic moving very well as you travel towards the j.f.x. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> for the second time in a month, a student has been caught bringing a handgun to a baltimore county school. >> this time the quick actions of a teacher prevented any bloodshed. nadia ramdass has that story. good morning. >> good morning. students will be returning to class with extra counselors on hand. the boy accused of pulling out the gun is in police custody and is expected to be charged as a juvenile. nobody was injured. if it wasn't for a quick- thinking teacher, it could have
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ended differently. it was a frantic scene involving a classmate on tuesday morning. students say an eighth-grader pulled out a loaded gun and aimed it at his teacher, fellow classmates, and himself. the eighth-graders credit the teacher with taking away the handgun and defusing the situation. >> he was waving it around. he aimed it at a student. the teacher stepped in front of her -- the student that he aimed it at. she was, like, "put the gun down." >> she lunged toward him, bent his hand back, and smacked it out of his hand and yelled "no" and had him in an arm lock. >> police say the weapon the boy was handling belongs to his grandfather, norman gatewood. gatewood is charged with violating a law requiring gun owners to secure loaded firearms from minors. the student was also armed with a hunting knife.
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nadia ramdass, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the suspect in the perry hall shooting will be back in court this morning. robert gladden jr. is scheduled for a bail review hearing today. he's being charged as aan adult. he wounded a 17-year-old student. >> police want to speak to the adult grandson of an elderly couple found dead inside the home this week. police say matthew long has not been seen with the home he shares with vaughn and marjorie pepper since they were found dead by police officers. the couple died sometime on saturday. the murder weapon was recovered but police will not say what is.
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>> we know that people in the neighborhood have concerns about this crime. at this time, police believe that this was not a random crime. however, it is early in the investigation. it is still an active investigation at this hour. so the facts are subject to change. >> the grandson is still missing but a suspect has not been named in the case. >> funeral service will begin offering shares deputy that was killed in a car crash last week. he was returning to its barracks when he lost control of this car and slammed into two trees. service begin at 11:00 a.m. the procession will travel to bel air memorial gardens. a viewing will be held for it police officer that died in a freak accident on at 95 this week. this happened early saturday morning after falling nearly 50
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feet over the side of a highway. viewing hours are from 3:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. tomorrow in perry hall with funeral services friday morning. >> hundreds filled the baltimore hebrew congregation to pay their final respects to art modell. roger goodell and much of the ravens team and staff are among those attending tuesday's funeral services. he was remembered as a pioneer for the game he loved. >> there is no baltimore ravens if there's not a mr. modell's vision. the question that he leaves us today is, if you did nothing else in life, what will you fight for? what legacy will you leave? >> his contributions to the nfl were extraordinary. the nfl was lucky to have art modell.
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>> art modell died last thursday at the age of 87. he and his late wife made generous donations to nearly two dozen organizations in and around baltimore, including the lyric opera house. >> the scars and memories of the terror attacks are still as fresh as they were back in 2001 . across the nation, there was a moment of silence as the nation paused to remember the nearly 3000 people that lost their lives in the world center trade towers and the pentagon and flight 93 that crashed in pennsylvania. >> never an easy day and it is especially difficult for all of you, the families of the innocents that lost their lives. >> value but millions of
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americans. >> we are americans and it is our place. >> last night a tribute of light in the form of two vertical beams. >> an embattled judge suspended from the bench has decided to retire. the i-team brought you the story last week when a review board suspended judge bruce lamdin after he crossed examined it weren't so severely she was brought to tears. there was a complaint from the maryland coalition for sexual assault. yesterday he announced he will retire in october. >> with 21 games left to play,
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the orioles find themselves back and top of the a.l. east. the hope is they do not suffer any more injuries. keith mills will have highlights coming up in sports. that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. do you think the orioles can continue their winning ways into a playoff berth? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> 6:09. 54 degrees on tv hill. >> what has prompted the violence in libya? >> iphone users are waiting with bated breath this morning. >> 3 baltimore city schools will
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unveil their brand of libraries today. >> we're keeping tabs of an accident that you want to avoid this morning and we will check
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>> good morning.
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this is a live view of downtown. it is a beautiful start to the day. temperatures in the low 60's and the upper 50's. you can look inside and see the crescent moon with clear skies. i am live outside of one of the baltimore city schools on failing their brand of library today. thomas johnson elementary middle. with their library, sharon smith. this is very exciting. you have seen the transformation. >> there are no words for it. we started out with a small library and now we have a 21st century library and it is wonderful. >> the first thing i notice was the bright orange color. >> it will be wonderful for the kids. it will make them happy.
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they will be happy to be in that space. without the 4000 new books and without the many computers that were provided, the workspaces, that in itself is wonderful. >> the books are so important. i saw so many beautiful books. >> they are excited about getting in there. the library has been closed off so nobody can see inside. i'm excited every time i walk into that room. the space is so beautiful. >> we gave people a sneak peek. the students will see the library today. moravia park is looking forward to their new library as well. what an exciting feeling for these kids. brenda libraries. >>-- brand new libraries.
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>> i know -- do you have a monitor with you? >> i do not. >> i have the you before you were here. sandra shaw is with us! this is the original ava. nice to see you. all the fans on facebook ask me where you are and what you're doing. >> i am in jupiter, florida. i love it. we do not have the ravens or the orioles. and i miss everybody so much and had to get up early and say hello. >> thank you. >> the weather is gorgeous. >> that energy is what we miss. her husband is here, too.
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the jet stream is digging down to the south. it will start to lift out to the northeast. warmer temperatures will start to move then. there is a front out there as well. it would get in touch warmer and the chance for rain will go up a little bit as we head into the weekend. there is some rain around minneapolis st. paul appeared that could join us from midnight into saturday morning. 54 at the airport. 52 in jarrettsville. lots of sunshine today. high temperature this afternoon into the upper 70's to around 80. it looks like the great weather will stick around through tomorrow. it should stay dry bank on thursday. friday night into saturday
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morning, some scattered showers are possible. most of the weekend will be just fine. let's check the roads with sarah. >> i will keep this brief. awesome to see her. one problem on eastern avenue. we have closures along monument street at patterson park. moving well on the entire beltway. it is get it will have the on southbound 295 as you approach 100. here's a quick, live look at traffic. with switchover to traffic on 95 from harford county at riverside parkway. no delays as you get closer to the beltway. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. . >> thank you. four americans are killed as protesters attack in egypt and
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libya. the u.s. ambassador and three others were killed in libya. it was reported this is one worker was killed in that attack. hundreds of protesters scaled the embassy walls in cairo. the violence comes in reaction to a film that was posted on youtube that was the prophet mohammad on trial. the chicago teachers strike is stretching into its third day. officials have only reached agreements on six of the 45 elements of the proposed contract. a process for deciding which laid-off teachers can be rehired is one of the sticking points. >> i love that t-shirt.
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all eyes and ears on apple this morning as they make a major announcement. many expect it to be the launch of the new iphone. the latest version is expected to be faster with a bigger screen. and expected demand of 5.5 million phones to hit the market. gmail user have a new tool to manage their in boxes. we are paying more for health care. jane king has the bloomberg business report. >> good morning. health-care costs are becoming a bigger burden for families. the rise is considered moderate by historical standards. consumers will hit the malls in
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a big way for the upcoming holiday season. retail sales may be the strongest since 2007. an extra week at a shopping available right before christmas. investors keeping an eye on the federal reserve meeting which starts today. investors bet the fed will do something to stimulate the economy. the bloomberg maryland index was higher. mark zuckerberg on the defensive since the facebook stock debut. employee morale has been hurt and facebook is trying to increase sales for mobile advertising. a new add-on lets you add a blue button to your gmail in-box.
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senders to get an automatic response alerting them you're taking a little break. at the new york stock exchange, i'm jane king, bloomberg news, for wbal-tv 11 news. >> all right. 6:21. 54 degrees on tv hill. the orioles showing no signs of slowing down with first place on the line. >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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>> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. 1 accident that should be clear and surely on eastern avenue. continued closures because of the sinkhole repair on monument street near patterson park. moving well and no delays on the north side. 45 on southbound 295 as you travel towards 100. here's a quick, live look at traffic. seeing a buildup of volume southbound 795 out of the owings mills area. this is 95 south of riverside parkway. no delays in harford county. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> good morning.
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another beautiful start on this wednesday. clear skies. temperatures in the 50's. 46 in frederick. 54 at the airport. it will be a beautiful afternoon with lots of sunshine. we will be close to 80 degrees today. here is keith mills. >> thank you. good morning. the orioles and tampa plbay play game table of this series tonight. the orioles are once again tied with the yankees. quiet and class a tribute put down by the orioles. j.j. hardy, what a player this guy is. third inning. home run number 20. 3-1 in the fifth.
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matt wieters, a shot to right field. j.j. hardy and adam jones' score. 5-1. j.j. hardy had a home run, a single, and a double. he hits another home run. 5 rbi's. 9-2, the orioles beat the ray. the orioles are tied with the yankees for first place. steve johnson gets the win. it is a short week for the ravens. john harbaugh was impressed by his team's 44-13 win over the bengals. this week in it is on to philadelphia. john coached a preseason game two years ago and knows this oblique and insisting mix of emotions.
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>> it is special, anytime you go back to the same parking lot as a coach or player. see a lot of familiar faces weather on the sideline or in the title coming onto the field. people that work there that you're so familiar with. the beans a lot. it doesn't hit you until you get there and then the emotions flared up on you. that happened last year. i assume this year will be the same. >> how about ray lewis? a steering eulogy yesterday. >> very emotional -- a s >> thank you. 6:27. problems with one of the new highways. >> baltimore county public
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schools are cracking down on students that bring weapons to class. >> farmers flood capitol today. more on what it could be months before
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>> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. sandra shaw will give us the forecast. just kidding. say sandra,e the you you mean tony. >> there we go. >> it is an easy forecast. temperatures in the 50's. you might want to take the light jacket to start the day. we will be close to 80 degrees today. things will change a little as
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we head into the weekend. >> thank you. a student brings a gun to a baltimore school for the second time in a month. >> it has spurred concern and action from school officials. nadia ramdass joins us live from towson to explain. >> good morning. school officials are increasing the police presence at baltimore county public schools. the county has ordered hand-held metal detectors for officers to use at their discretion. stemmers run middle schoolers described a frantic scene involving a 13-year-old classmate around 10:00 tuesday morning. students say an eighth grader brandished a loaded gun and aimed at his teacher and himself. the eighth graders credit their teacher with taking away the semiautomatic handgun and defusing the situation. >> she lunged toward him, bent
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his hand back, and smacked it out of his hand and yelled "no" and then had him in an arm lock. >> the new school superintendent said the incident coupled with the recent perry hall high school shooting is triggering immediate changes in school security. >> they will have metal detectors or hand-held wands. as they get reasonable suspicion to conduct their searches, they will do it. >> dr. dallas dance admits he has doubts about whether metal detectors could weed out all weapons at schools. he addressed concerned parents and outlines plans to review the security and crisis plans and create a dedicated office of safety and security. >> safety needs to be paramount before you think about any academic achievement happening in a classroom. so i think it is a topic that we have to put on the forefront. we're taking this extremely seriously and taking a comprehensive approach to it. whatever we decide to do to the school system, we'll work with our community to make sure it is delivered.
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>> police say the eighth grader was also armed with a hunting knife. he is in police custory and is expected to be charged as a juvenile. nadia ramdass, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. the victim of the perry hall school shooting is back home and out of the hospital this morning. he spent the last two weeks recovering at shock trauma. the recovery is not quite complete but his parents are impressed by his progress. >> he's a fighter and he's been fighting from the minute he was hurt. i can say enough about him and how he has done what he had to do and came through for all of us pickwick police say he was hit at random when robert gladden jr. allegedly fired a shotgun twice in the school cafeteria.
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>> the house of representatives is expected to vote on a bill to keep the government running for another six months. farmers and ranchers will try to persuade congress to do more now. hallie jackson has the story. >> this morning capitol hill is getting ready for a rally by people who want to see a new farm bill passed soon. it has not been the easiest year for farmers as it massive drought wiped out crops across the country. people hoping for a new farm bill will probably have to wait. >> the conservatives are balking at that measure. >> if the republican leadership does not work with us, they will reset the clock for rural america.
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>> and supporters say the bill affects every american including the 46 million people who get help from the footstep program. that is part of the holdup. >> it is because most of the spending is food stamps. >> house republicans want to see deeper cuts to the program. congress will simply extend the current law will little wonder. >>-- a lot longer. >> i would like to see a five- year bill but it is unlikely we'll get there. >> many of the programs like food stamps and certain a crop insurance would continue a sitting the government keeps it going past september. >> cracks have been found in the inner county connecter that
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links east it montgomery county and northwestern prince george's county. cracks were found on two bridges. cracks were found in three other bridges earlier this year. the problem is the amount of steel in the cap and the durability issue and not a safety issue. >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together. >> let's give you up to date. we start on westbound 70 near the beltway. we have some closures near the ramp. a busy spot normally. in upperco, watch for an accident. this one still in the clearing stages at eastern avenue. monument street is closed near patterson park. delays in place on the west side
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outer loop. 38 beginning at 795 and stretching down towards edmondson. here's a quick, live look at traffic. north and southbound traffic is not bad in ellicott city. this is traffic west of the beltway. no sign of delays. right on the ramp to the outer loop of the beltway you'll find heavy spots. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. now we check in live with ava marie again talking about some new libraries. >> good morning. what an exciting day for three baltimore schools. i am live in south baltimore. they have received a new library. this is a project that will be giving new libraries to 12 baltimore schools. this is a $5 million commitment from the weinberg foundation. it will turn out to be about a
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million-dollar renovation for each of these schools. we were able to get some video of the new library. we'll show you that in just a few minutes and talk to the principal about what this means for his school. it is beautiful outside. look outside and you can still see the moon in the sky. we're expecting temperatures around 80 degrees outside. maybe the rain comes from midnight into saturday. more details on the forecast coming up with tony. >> thank you. 6:38. this kid may motivate you to work a little harder. >> that is impressive. we are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. do you think the orioles can continue their winning ways into a playoff berth?
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you can share your response on, on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to wateçcp!
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>> a young boy is pushing his limits. he holds the pushup record in the ukraine after doing 4000 pushups in a row. judges watched closely to make
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sure he was observing all the rules and demonstrating proper form. he was able to do 3000 consecutive pushups. he says his personal best is over 6000 pushups and looks forward to beating his own record as having the biggest pecs in the world. >> you may have heard of a pop- up restaurant. a new restaurant is all the rage. guests have to descend below ground to get to the restaurant which is located in an old mine. isin'n't cheap. i would definitely go there.
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>> i want windows to tell whether it is night or day. >> 54 degrees on tv hill. >> there you go. >> things are pretty quiet this morning. we have a little bit of rain in the seven-day forecast. it is a gorgeous start on
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anncr: this casino's in west virginia. but it makes millions off marylanders every year. now they're running dishonest ads. why? because voting for question seven is a vote to build a... world-class resort casino in maryland. creating thousands of jobs and... ...according to the official department of legislative... services, hundreds of millions for our schools. while saving taxpayer money by cutting casino subsidies. question seven.
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good jobs and better schools in maryland. not west virginia. so let's talk about coverage. based on this chart, who would you choose ? wow. you guys take a minute. verizon, hands down. i'm going to show you guys another chart. pretty obvious. i don't think color matters. pretty obvious. what's pretty obvious about it ? that verizon has the coverage. verizon. verizon. we're going to go to another chart. it doesn't really matter how you present it. it doesn't matter how you present it. verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. >> welcome back to 11 news today. 6:44. the suspect in the perry hall high school shooting will be back in court this morning. he is scheduled for a bail review hearing today.
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he's being charged as an adult after allegedly bringing a shotgun to school and opening fire. police want to speak with the adult grandson of an elderly couple found dead inside their home this week. police said matthew long has not been seen at the home he shares with vaughn and marjorie pepper since they were found dead on monday. the couple died sometime on saturday. a suspect has not been named in the case. hundreds paid their final respects to art modell. roger goodell and much of the ravens team and staff with those among attending the service. art modell was a partner for the game he loved. >> now traffic pulse 11 and insta-weather plus together.
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>> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. tracking a few new problems. westbound 70 on the ramp to the outer loop of the beltway, we have a crash. west side outer loop delays all the way down to edmondson. hanover pike in the upperco region, watch for an accident and some lane closures. monument street is closed near patterson park. here's a quick, live look at traffic. 29 near 108. north and southbound traffic in pretty good shape through the ellicott city region. this is 70 west of the beltway. was down 70 on the ramp to the outer loop, you'll find possible lane closures with this accident. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. we check in live again with ava marie. she is telling us about some new libraries.
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>> 3 baltimore city public school will unveil their branch libraries. will live outside thomas johnson elementary and middle. this is so exciting. we took some video from inside the library. >> we are so excited about this new library. we have 4000 brand new books from the weinberg foundation. we have new technology. >> when you walk into it, it makes you excited to be in there. >> it is one of the most beautiful libraries i have ever seen. we have kept covering over the windows to the library so no students have been in there yet. we will have an open house from 2:30 until 6:30. >> new books, new tv monitors
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and some things that will benefit the kids. >> the technology is state of the art. we have apple computers, interactive computer stations, an lcd projector, the technology is incredible. >> we're excited for you at thomas johnson elementary metal. we do have read the park middle and southwest baltimore charter will also be getting new libraries. everybody's looking forward to these libraries. there will be a bank -- nine more unveiled in the next four years. >> i spent a lot of time in the library. no surprise. i always checked out the 1 weather booke. >> it had your fingerprints all
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over it. >> i love libraries. thank you, ava. the weather or change a little bit over the weekend. the jet stream is lifted up to the north. the temperatures will got just a touch. temperatures in the 70's. there is a front as well that may visit us friday night and saturday morning with a slight chance for some rain. crisp, clear, and cool this morning. 45 in frederick. the forecast for today -- outstanding. high temperature into the upper 70's to around 80 degrees. a late southwest wind around 10 miles per hour. lower end of the 80's on
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thursday and friday. there could be some showers on friday night and saturday morning. i did not think it will be a big deal as far as the rain. sunshine on sunday with a high of only 78. >> time now for a last look at one of our big stories. officials get another scare when a student takes a gun out in class. nadia ramdass has more in towson with that story. >> students are going to be returning to class with extra counselors on hand. the boy accused of pulling out the gun is in police custody and is expected to be charged as a juvenile. it was a frantic scene involving a classmate tuesday morning. an eighth grader at pulled the bay loaded gun and aimed it at
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his teacher, fellow classmates, and himself. the teacher defused the situation. police say the weapons belonged to his grandfather. he is charged with violating a law requiring gun owners to secure loaded guns from minors. nadia ramdass, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. 54 degrees on tv hill. coming up, we'll look at your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> we'll take a last look at weather and traffic together before you head out to start your day.
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hey, becky. hey....uncle steve. for life's bleachable moments.
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>> time to get to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked -- do you think the orioles can continue their winning ways into a playoff berth? >> cautious optimism for robert. >> another robert gets sent a dig.n a little [laughter] >> we will post more answers on our website, elieve, hon. [laughter] >> i will take a backseat to the master.
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bosley withe possib charlie's angels. >> spent 70, still clearing an accident. down to 21 miles per hour. another in upperco at hanover pike. speeds around 48 on southbound 95. security is showing the biggest banking and that begins approaching 795. this is 70 west of the beltway. watch for the crash on the ramp to the outer loop. >> i think i'm channeling the could weather -- that good weather. i was blessed to go to the ravens game. >> tell them what you're doing.
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florida.wn in jupiter, are an abc affiliate. nothing like bal. >> i get a lot -- who is this guy that took sandra shaw away from baltimore? >> it will be beautiful and brilliant sunshine. boeheim of 80 degrees today. down in south florida, and never without humidity. refer sheep and great for a jog -- refreshing and great for a jo g. beat the rays. did i say that? >> good to see you. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25. update at 7:25.
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